Monday, March 31, 2014


A fancy new term for our new mini unit.  We are focusing on agriculture, food and healthy living for the next few days.  Organic food, the 100 mile diet, and Permaculture is on the menu.  More to come...

Friday, March 28, 2014

Wrapping up Electricity.

It was a very good four days of electricity.  Over the four days we completed four labs and the students should have some basic records of their work in their journal.  Next week we are back to some horticulture.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Electricity and Cosmos

We have gotten into a bit of a groove with the new science series Cosmos.  We watch and discuss some of the Sunday night episode during class on Monday.  It's a great show.

We also hummed along in our electricity unit today.  Tomorrow we commence a 4 day electricity lab where we will complete 4 stations (1 per day) all pertaining to electricity.  Major areas of study include static electricity, current electricity and circuits, solar cars and an Ipad webquest.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Studying and Reviewing...

Just a reminder, that a great way to review and prepare for assessments is to follow the blog!

Welcome Back!

It's great to be back after the March Break.  We have been ramping back up in the area of Pinhole photography.  We had some really nice images today.  Kudos to Alyssa and Kate.  We just started our study of electricity as well.  Don't forget the first big trip of the course this Friday.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pinhole Photography!

Today we made the camera's!  Tomorrow we will try and load them and maybe take a picture or two!  A little more greenhouse maintenance and a good news story by Kody!  Go Sens Go!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Pinhole Photography Unit

Pinhole Camera Unit

Pinhole photography is a hobby still practiced by many even in the age of digital photography. We will take some old fashioned pinhole pictures after we make our cameras. To help us get started...

  1. What is a pinhole camera?
  2. How does a pinhole camera work?
  3. In 5 steps or less, outline how to construct a pinhole camera.
  4. How do you actually take a picture with a pinhole camera?
  5. How do you develop the picture from the pinhole camera?